
Functions related to vectors and field expansion in the FMM scheme.

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class fmmax.basis.Expansion(basis_coefficients: ndarray[Any, Any])[source]#

Stores the expansion.

The expansion consists of the integer coefficients of the reciprocal lattice vectors used in the Fourier expansion of fields, permittivities, etc. in the FMM scheme.


The integer coefficients of the primitive reciprocal lattice vectors, which generate the full set of reciprocal-space vectors in the expansion.


numpy.ndarray[Any, Any]


The number of terms in the expansion.

class fmmax.basis.LatticeVectors(u: Array, v: Array)[source]#

Stores a pair of lattice vectors.

Note that this is just a pair of 2-dimensional vectors, which may be either for the real-space lattice or the reciprocal space lattice, depending on usage.


The first primitive lattice vector.




The second primitive lattice vector, with identical shape.



property reciprocal: LatticeVectors#

Returns the corresponding vectors on the reciprocal lattice.

class fmmax.basis.Truncation(value)[source]#

Enumerates truncation modes.

fmmax.basis.brillouin_zone_in_plane_wavevector(brillouin_grid_shape: Tuple[int, int], primitive_lattice_vectors: LatticeVectors) Array[source]#

Computes in-plane wavevectors on a regular grid in the first Brillouin zone.

The wavevectors are found by dividing the Brillouin zone into a grid with the specified shape; the wavevectors are at the centers of the grid voxels.

  • brillouin_grid_shape – The shape of the wavevector grid.

  • primitive_lattice_vectors – The primitive vectors for the real-space lattice.


The in-plane wavevectors, with shape brillouin_grid_shape + (2,).

fmmax.basis.generate_expansion(primitive_lattice_vectors: LatticeVectors, approximate_num_terms: int, truncation: Truncation = Truncation.CIRCULAR) Expansion[source]#

Generates the expansion for the specified real-space basis.

  • primitive_lattice_vectors – The primitive vectors for the real-space lattice.

  • approximate_num_terms – The approximate number of terms in the expansion. To maintain a symmetric expansion, the total number of terms may differ from this value.

  • truncation – The truncation to be used for the expansion. The default is Truncation.CIRCULAR.


The Expansion. The basis coefficients of the expansion are sorted so that the zeroth-order term is first.

fmmax.basis.min_array_shape_for_expansion(expansion: Expansion) Tuple[int, int][source]#

Returns the minimum allowed shape for an array to be expanded.

fmmax.basis.plane_wave_in_plane_wavevector(wavelength: Array, polar_angle: Array, azimuthal_angle: Array, permittivity: Array) Array[source]#

Computes the in-plane wavevector for a plane-wave excitation.

  • wavelength – The free-space wavelength of the plane-wave excitation.

  • polar_angle – Polar angle of the plane-wave excitation.

  • azimuthal_angle – Azimuthal angle of plane-wave the excitation.

  • permittivity – Scalar permittivity of the medium in which the polar angle and azimuthal angle are specified.


The fundamental transverse wavevector, i.e. (kx0, ky0).

fmmax.basis.transverse_wavevectors(in_plane_wavevector: Array, primitive_lattice_vectors: LatticeVectors, expansion: Expansion) Array[source]#

Obtains all the relevant transverse wavevectors given the expansion.

  • in_plane_wavevector – The zeroth-order transverse wavevector.

  • primitive_lattice_vectors – The primitive vectors for the real-space lattice.

  • expansion – The expansion for which the set of transverse wavevectors are sought.


The transverse wavevectors.

fmmax.basis.unit_cell_coordinates(primitive_lattice_vectors: LatticeVectors, shape: Tuple[int, int], num_unit_cells: Tuple[int, int]) Tuple[Array, Array][source]#

Compute spatial coordinates given the grid shape and number of unit cells.

fmmax.basis.validate_shape_for_expansion(shape: Tuple[int, ...], expansion: Expansion) None[source]#

Validates that the shape is sufficient for the provided expansion.