

Functions related to eigensolve with translated permittivity distributions.

Copyright (c) 2024 Martin F. Schubert

fmmax.translate.translate_layer_solve_result(solve_result: LayerSolveResult, dx: Array, dy: Array) LayerSolveResult[source]#

Obtain solve result for layer with translated permittivity distribution.

Rather than performing eigensolve on translated permittivity distribution, this function allows one to translate the solve result. This can result in significant compute savings for structures such as slanted gratings.

  • solve_result – The LayerSolveResult for the permittivity distribution prior to translation.

  • dx – The translation of the permittivity distribution along the x direction.

  • dy – The translation of the permittivity distribution along the y direction.


The LayerSolveResult for the layer with translated permittivity.